System State Packet

System State Packet
Packet ID 20
Length 100
Read / Write Read
Field # Bytes Offset Data Type Size Description
1 0 u16 2 System Status
2 2 u16 2 Filter Status
3 4 u32 4 Unix Time Seconds
4 8 u32 4 Microseconds
5 12 fp64 8 Latitude (rad)
6 20 fp64 8 Longitude (rad)
7 28 fp64 8 Height (m)
8 36 fp32 4 Velocity north (m/s)
9 40 fp32 4 Velocity east (m/s)
10 44 fp32 4 Velocity down (m/s)
11 48 fp32 4 Body acceleration X (m/s/s)
12 52 fp32 4 Body acceleration Y (m/s/s)
13 56 fp32 4 Body acceleration Z (m/s/s)
14 60 fp32 4 G force (g)
15 64 fp32 4 Roll (radians)
16 68 fp32 4 Pitch (radians)
17 72 fp32 4 Heading (radians)
18 76 fp32 4 Angular velocity X (rad/s)
19 80 fp32 4 Angular velocity Y (rad/s)
20 84 fp32 4 Angular velocity Z (rad/s)
21 88 fp32 4 Latitude standard deviation (m)
22 92 fp32 4 Longitude standard deviation (m)
23 96 fp32 4 Height standard deviation (m)

System State Packet

System Status

This field contains 16 bits that indicate problems with the system. These are boolean fields with a zero indicating false and one indicating true.

Use the Raw GNSS packet #29 to identify which of the GNSS receivers or antennas has a problem.

Bit Description
0 System Failure
1 Accelerometer Sensor Failure
2 Gyroscope Sensor Failure
3 Reserved
4 Pressure Sensor Failure
5 GNSS Failure
6 Accelerometer Over Range
7 Gyroscope Over Range
8 Reserved
9 Pressure Over Range
10 Minimum Temperature Alarm
11 Maximum Temperature Alarm
12 Internal Data Logging Error
13 High Voltage Alarm
14 GNSS Antenna Connection (open or short circuit, primary or secondary antenna) . NOTE: This bit is not applicable to units with a Trimble BD992 GNSS Receiver
15 Data Output Overflow Alarm

System Status

Filter Status

This field contains 16 bits that indicate the status of the filters. These are boolean fields with a zero indicating false and one indicating true.

Bit Description
0 Orientation Filter Initialised
1 Navigation Filter Initialised
2 Heading Initialised
3 UTC Time Initialised
4 GNSS Fix Status
7 Event 1 Occurred
8 Event 2 Occurred
9 Internal GNSS Enabled
10 Dual Antenna Heading Active
11 Velocity Heading Enabled
12 Atmospheric Altitude Enabled
13 External Position Active
14 External Velocity Active
15 External Heading Active

Filter Status

GNSS Fix Status

Value Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Description
0 0 0 0 No GNSS fix
1 0 0 1 2D GNSS fix
2 0 1 0 3D GNSS fix
3 0 1 1 SBAS GNSS fix
4 1 0 0 Differential GNSS fix
5 1 0 1 PPP GNSS fix
6 1 1 0 RTK Float GNSS fix
7 1 1 1 RTK Fixed GNSS fix

GNSS Fix Status

Unix Time Seconds

This field provides the Unix time in seconds, using the standard epoch of January 1, 1970.


This field provides the sub-second component of time. It is represented as microseconds since the last second. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 999999.