Dual Antenna Configuration Packet

By default the system uses automatic offset with primary front and secondary rear.

When using an automatic offset:

  • There are four available configurations, listed in the Automatic Offset Orientations table below.
  • Manual offset values will be ignored and should be set to zero.
  • The manual offset values will be populated with the automatically calculated offset values.

If your antenna configuration does not match one of the four available automatic offset configurations you must use a manual offset. These values are measured from the secondary antenna to the primary antenna in the body co-ordinate frame.

Dual Antenna Configuration Packet
Packet ID 196
Length 17
Read / Write Read / Write
Field # Bytes Offset Data Type Size Description
1 0 u8 1 Permanent
2 1 u16 2 Offset type
3 3 u8 1 Automatic offset orientation
4 4 u8 1 Reserved (set to zero)
5 5 fp32 4 Manual offset X (m)
6 9 fp32 4 Manual offset Y (m)
7 13 fp32 4 Manual offset Z (m)

Dual Antenna Configuration Packet

Offset Types

Value Description
0 Manual offset
1 Automatic offset

Offset Types

Automatic Offset Orientations

Value Description
0 Primary front and secondary rear
1 Primary rear and secondary front
2 Primary right and secondary left
3 Primary left and secondary right

Automatic Offset Orientations