GPIO Configuration Packet

GPIO Configuration Packet
Packet ID 188
Length 13
Read / Write Read / Write
Field # Bytes Offset Data Type Size Description
1 0 u8 1 Permanent
2 1 u8 1 GPIO1 function. See GPIO Functions
3 2 u8 1 GPIO2 function. See GPIO Functions
4 3 u8 1 Auxiliary RS232 transmit function. See Auxiliary Functions
5 4 u8 1 Auxiliary RS232 receive function. See Auxiliary Functions
6 5 u8 1 Reserved (set to zero)
7 6   7 Reserved (set to zero)

GPIO Configuration Packet

GPIO Functions

Value Description GPIO Function Type
0 Inactive





1 1PPS Output
2 GNSS Fix Output
3 Odometer Input
4 Zero Velocity Input
5 Pitot Tube Input
6 NMEA Input GPIO2
7 NMEA Output GPIO1
8 Novatel GNSS Input



9 Topcon GNSS Input
11 ANPP Input
12 ANPP Output GPIO1
13 Disable Magnetometers


14 Disable GNSS




15 Disable Pressure GPIO1, GPIO2
16 Set Zero Orientation Alignment
17 System State Packet Trigger
18 Raw Sensors Packet Trigger
19 RTCM Differential GNSS Corrections Input





20 Trimble GNSS Input
21 u-blox GNSS Input
22 Hemisphere GNSS Input
23 Teledyne DVL Input
24 Tritech USBL Input
25 Linkquest DVL Input
26 Pressure Depth Transducer






27 Left Wheel Speed Sensor
28 Right Wheel Speed Sensor
29 1PPS Input
30 Wheel Speed Sensor
31 Wheel Encoder Phase A
32 Wheel Encoder Phase B
33 Event 1 Input
34 Event 2 Input
35 Linkquest USBL Input GPIO2
38 GNSS Receiver Passthrough GPIO1, GPIO2
39 TSS1 Output



40 Simrad 1000 Output
41 Simrad 3000 Output
42 Serial Port Passthrough




43 Gimbal Encoder Phase A
44 Gimbal Encoder Phase B
45 Odometer Direction, Forward Low
46 Odometer Direction, Forward High
51 Nortek DVL Input GPIO2
53 Reverse Alignment, Forward Low



54 Reverse Alignment, Forward High
55 Zero Angular Velocity Input

GPIO functions

Auxiliary Functions

Value Description

Auxiliary Function Type

0 Inactive Transmit, Receive
1 1PPS Output Transmit
2 GNSS Fix Output
3 Odometer Input



4 Zero Velocity Input
5 Pitot Tube Input
6 NMEA Input
7 NMEA Output Transmit
8 Novatel GNSS Input



9 Topcon GNSS Input
11 ANPP Input
12 ANPP Output Transmit
13 Disable magnetometers


14 Disable GNSS











15 Disable Pressure
16 Set Zero Orientation Alignment
17 System State Packet Trigger
18 Raw Sensors Packet Trigger
19 RTCM Differential GNSS Corrections Input
20 Trimble GNSS Input
21 u-blox GNSS Input
22 Hemisphere GNSS Input
23 Teledyne DVL Input
24 Tritech USBL Input
25 Linkquest DVL Input
26 Pressure Depth Transducer
27 Left Wheel Speed Sensor
28 Right Wheel Speed Sensor
29 1PPS Input
30 Wheel Speed Sensor
33 Event 1 Input
34 Event 2 Input
35 Linkquest USBL Input
38 GNSS Receiver Passthrough Transmit, Receive
39 TSS1 Output



40 Simrad 1000 Output
41 Simrad 3000 Output
42 Serial Port Passthrough Transmit, receive
45 Odometer Direction, Forward Low




46 Odometer Direction, Forward High
51 Nortek DVL Input
53 Reverse Alignment, Forward Low
54 Reverse Alignment, Forward High
55 Zero Angular Velocity Input

Auxiliary Functions