Main View

The Main View is accessible from other pages via the Map menu item under the View menu.

GNSS Compass Web UI Home Page

Status Indicator

The Status Indicator section contains the current GNSS Compass status, the GNSS fix type indicator, and the heading status. These are visible on every page.

  • Status Indicator: This indicator shows any problems with GNSS Compass. Once the filter has initialised it will show “HEALTHY”.
  • GNSS Fix: This indicator shows the status of the GNSS fix. Under normal operating conditions it should show “3D FIX”. When satellite visibility is poor it may show either “2D FIX” or “NO FIX”.
  • Heading Status: This indicator shows the current status of the heading filter. When there is a valid source of heading it will show “HEADING LOCKED”.

Current Time, Position and Heading

This section displays the current UTC time, position, and heading. The data will only be valid if GNSS Compass has a HEALTHY status, there is a 3D GNSS fix or better, and the Heading is initialised.

Altitude Indicator

The Attitude Indicator visualises roll and pitch using a standard artificial horizon. Heading, velocity and height are shown to the side. All units are SI (metric) and degrees.

Satellites Table

The Satellites table shows the number of satellites visible by the primary antenna. More detailed information can be found in the Satellites screen under the View menu.


The map shows the GNSS Compass position on Earth as well as a red trail showing position history since the last reset. When the filter initialises the map will automatically reset the view to the GNSS Compass position. To move the camera click and drag on the map. To zoom in and out, use the mouse scroll wheel.

Use Reset to reset the map view to the current position of GNSS Compass.

Clear History clears the current red trail showing the position history. This will immediately restart from the current position. Note that this does not affect any logging currently active.

Map Controls


This resets the map view to the current position of GNSS Compass.

Clear History

This clears the current red trail showing the position history. This will immediately restart from the current position. Note that this does not affect any logging currently active.


This button makes the map follow the device.