View Menu


The View menu contains a number of different options for viewing data from GNSS Compass.

Manager View Menu

Device Information

Device information is useful during technical support and for tracking your serial number, firmware and hardware version.

Manager Device Information


The Status shows the current status of GNSS Compass as reported by sections System State Packet (ID#20) .

Manager Status Dialogue


The Satellites dialogue shows detailed information on the satellites that are visible to the GNSS Compass GNSS receiver.

The information is displayed as a satellite skyplot, a table and an SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) graph. A maximum of 28 satellites will be displayed, even if more are accessible. This plot shows the SNR of each satellite at the primary and secondary antenna. As a guideline, these should be within 5-10 dB of each other in the absence of cable or antenna faults. Elevation and azimuth are in units of degrees.

Manager Satellites Table

Raw Sensors

Raw sensors dialogue shows the raw sensor values including the IMU temperature of the GNSS Compass.

Manager Raw Sensor Outputs


Orientation shows the GNSS Compass orientation, angular velocity and orientation error. To enhance the user's understanding of some of the less intuitive metrics, Course is defined as the path determined by measuring sequential positions, and Slip is the difference between the heading and the course.

Manager Orientation Outputs


Position shows the GNSS Compass position and position error. Latitude and longitude are converted to North and East metres from a reference point that can be reset.

Manager Position Outputs

Velocity and Acceleration

Velocity and Acceleration shows the GNSS Compass velocity, acceleration and g-force.

Manager Velocity and Acceleration Outputs


This dialogue box allows the to view the time for the connected device. Views are in Unix, UTC, or Local time formats to best suit user requirements to ensure accurate timekeeping and synchronisation across systems.

Time Dialogue


This dialogue shows statistics on the data packets received from GNSS Compass and can be useful in diagnosing signal integrity problems.

Manager Communications Dialogue

GNSS Receiver Information

This dialogue shows information about the GNSS receiver fitted to the GNSS Compass.

Manager GNSS Receiver Information Dialogue


For the Heave dialogue to display data, the Heave Packet (ID 58) must be configured in the Packet Rates dialog. Reference point offsets for heave are configured in the Reference Position Offsets dialog.

Manager Vessel Motion Outputs