
The Ethernet interface offers a 100 MBit port for connection to a network, router or laptop/computer. The interface offers a web UI, as well as 4 (four) configurable data ports. Each Data Port

  • can be configured as a TCP Server, TCP Client or a UDP Client as detailed in Ethernet Modes
  • can be configured with an Input and/or Output for a number of protocols as detailed in Ethernet Data Port Functions.
  • should only be used to establish a connection with a single remote computer/device at any one time.

Ethernet Modes

Ethernet Mode Description Required Configuration
TCP Server GNSS Compass will establish a TCP Server listening on the defined port. A connected client is able to receive Output data and send Input data based on the defined Input and Output functions.


TCP Client GNSS Compass will continuously attempt to establish a TCP connection to the defined Destination IP and Port. Once established, a connected client is able to receive Output data and send Input data based on the defined Input and Output functions.

Client Destination IP address


UDP Client GNSS Compass will send UDP Output data to the defined Destination IP and Port. A client can also send UDP Input data to GNSS Compass this same Port.

Client Destination IP address


Ethernet Data Port Modes

Ethernet Functions

NMEA Input


This function accepts external data in the NMEA 0183 format. Advanced Navigation recommends against using NMEA 0183 input wherever possible due to the inefficiency, low accuracy and precision and weak error checking of the format. All NMEA messages received must have a valid checksum. Supported messages are listed below. The recommended combination of messages are RMC with optional messages GPGSV and GPGSA. If RMC is not available, GGA and VTG can be used.

Message ID Description Notes
GPGGA GNGGA 3D position All constellations
GPGLL GNGLL 2D position All constellations
GPRMC GNRMC 2D position, 2D velocity and coarse time All constellations
GPVTG GNVTG 2D velocity All constellations
GPHDT GNHDT HEHDT Heading All constellations
GPGSA GNGSA Dilution of Precision  
xxPIPS Depth below surface  
xxVBW Water speed, ground speed  
xxHDM Magnetic heading  
PSIMSSB SSBL position  
xxVHW Water speed and heading  
xxDBS Depth below surface  

Supported NMEA messages

ANPP Input


This function accepts data in the ANPP format as specified in Advanced Navigation Packet Protocol.

NMEA Output


This function outputs a configurable combination of the NMEA messages GPZDA, GPGGA, GPVTG, GPRMC, GPHDT, PASHR, GPROT, GPHEV, GPGSV, PFECGPAtt, and PFECGPHve at up to 50 Hz. The messages output and the output rate can be configured using the web UI or GNSS Compass Manager. An example output is shown below.







ANPP Output


This function outputs data in the ANPP format as specified in Advanced Navigation Packet Protocol. This function is for ANPP peripheral devices only.

TSS1 Output


This function outputs the TSS1 format at a user configurable rate of up to 50 Hz. The output rate can be configured using the page in the web UI.

Simrad 1000 Output


This function outputs the Simrad 1000 format at a user configurable rate of up to 50 Hz. The output rate can be configured using the Data Ports page in the Using the Web User Interface.

Simrad 3000 Output


This function outputs the Simrad 3000 format at a user configurable rate up to 50 Hz. The output rate can be configured using the Data Ports page in the Using the Web User Interface.

GNSS Receiver Passthrough


This function allows for pass through connection to the internal GNSS receiver. This is useful for firmware updates of the internal GNSS receiver.