Camera Controls

The camera in the scene can be controlled using a mouse and modifier keys on a keyboard.

Lateral Translation

To move the camera in the scene left click the mouse button and drag up and down, left and right. Release the button to cancel translation.


Orientation/view angle of the camera can be changed by clicking the middle mouse button and dragging the mouse. Holding the “CTRL” key or enabling the “Rotation Lock” button in the top right of the screen then clicking the left mouse button and dragging the mouse.

Start of rotation

Mid rotation, note rotation button selected

End of rotation

Vertical Translation

The virtual “ground plane” that the grid, visible in the scene, rests on can be translated vertically up or down by holding the “Shift” key or enabling the “Vertical Move” button in the top right of the screen then clicking the left mouse button and dragging the mouse.

Start, grid at bottom of boat

Moving grid, button toggled and scale visible

Grid moved, level with ROV track


The camera can be zoomed in or out by scrolling the mouse wheel, pressing the “+” and “-” buttons on the key-board or by clicking on the “+” and “-” buttons in the top right of the screen. The camera will zoom towards or away the device being followed.

Zoom in and out buttons

Fit Scene

The camera controls allow a user to automatically recentre the camera to include all devices in the field of view by pressing the “Fit scene” button or pressing space-bar on the keyboard.

Fit scene button

2D/3D Switch

The main scene can be switched to display in 2D or 3D, this can be done by clicking on the “North Arrow” indicator to toggle between the modes.

In 2D Mode the scene can be viewed from the top down, or from each side facing the cardinal directions. To switch between these views the arrow buttons on the keyboard can be used, or the camera rotation can drag between 2D view snap points.

North arrow, 3D mode


North arrow, 3D rotated

2D view, top down indicator


Facing North

Facing East


Facing South

Facing West

3D Grid/Radar Display

The 3D view can be configured to display a Grid or Radar style plot on it’s ground plane.

The selected display can be changed on the “Configuration”→”Display” page.

The Grid view is locked to an absolute reference and the positions of the grid lines do not change. The grid scale in metres is displayed in the bottom right of the view.

Grid view, absolute reference

The Radar plot is centred on the camera follow target and will move as the target moves, showing relative scales between the target and other objects or devices in the scene. The range from the centre, in metres, is displayed on each ring. The centre of the Radar plot can be changed by following the desired device via the right click menu.

Radar view, centred on surface Subsonus

2D Grid/Radar Display

The 2D view can be configured to display a Grid or Radar plot in the scene.

In 2D mode the grid displays Latitude and Longitude value markers on each grid line. When the view is side on the vertical height is displayed. Latitude and Longitude markers can be hidden or displayed as desired from the “Configuration”→”Display” page. The Latitude/Longitude markers display format can also be selected: decimal degrees (DDD), degrees and decimal minutes (DMM) or degrees minutes seconds (DMS).

2D grid view with Latitude and Longitude labels on grid lines

North facing view with Longitude and height grid markers

In 2D mode the Radar plot works in the same way as in 3D mode apart from the display in side views. When in side view a hemisphere plot is displayed showing distance down along with the distance north south or east west depending on the selected view.

2D radar plot, centred on surface Subsonus

2D radar plot, side view facing West