Tools Menu

The Tools menu contains tools for performing certain procedures with Boreas.

Manager Tools Menu

Firmware Update

This dialogue is used to update the Boreas device firmware.

Boreas contains firmware which is regularly updated to improve performance and add features. Advanced Navigation recommends that you upgrade to the latest version whenever available. The firmware update function is robust, such that power loss, file corruption or other issues cannot cause problems with units. Check the Boreas product page of the Advanced Navigation website periodically for updates.

Note: Advanced Navigation device firmware files have the extension .anfw.

After the appropriate file is uploaded, the Firmware Update dialogue will display "Firmware Update Ready" in the status line.

Firmware Update Ready Dialogue

Once the user clicks "upload", the dialogue status line will update to "In Progress"

Firmware Update In Progress Dialogue

During this process, the user will notice the connection indicator change from "Connected" to "Bootloader." This change confirms that the upload is functioning properly.

Firmware Update Bootloader Indicator

After the upload finishes, the system will restart. The device indicator will then display "Connected," and the firmware update status line will show "Complete."

Firmware Update Complete Dialogue

After the update, the user can close the firmware update dialogue and verify the update by looking at the version in the Device Information dialogue, found under the view menu of the manager.

Device Information Dialogue

Log Converter

This tool allows the user to convert Boreas log files into various standard formats that are interchange and readable by many programs. The Position Offset settings are used to project the exported position of origin to a point other than the actual centre of the Boreas unit. For most users, these values should be left at zero.

Manager Log Converter Dialogue

To configure the Log path, navigate to Settings, under the File menu.

Settings menu for configuring Log Path