Configuration Menu

These menus contain the set of configuration settings for Boreas.

Filter Options

Ensure that the Vehicle Type filter option is selected for all applications. For most standard applications, the other filter options can be left as their defaults.

See Filter Initialisation for more information on these specific settings. If you require assistance, contact

Boreas Web UI Filter Options Page

Data Ports

The Data Ports page allows you to specify which data packets or messages are output on a periodic basis and at what rate via a range of serial and Ethernet ports.

Note: The GPIOs and auxiliary port are configured in the Data Ports page only if they are being used as serial transmit and receive lines. To configure GPIOs as digital or frequency inputs or outputs, use the GPIO page.

Other data formats available include NMEA0183, GNSS, TSS1, SIMRAD and other formats. For more information see Ethernet Functions and Serial Interface.

Boreas Web UI Data Ports Page


The Alignment page is used to set the alignment offsets of the system installation. It is important to set the values on this page correctly to avoid degrading performance.

Boreas Web UI Alignment Page

Alignment Offset

If Boreas is installed into the vehicle with the positive X axis pointing forwards and the positive Z axis pointing down, then no alignment offset is required and the roll, pitch and heading offset values can remain at the factory defaults of zero.

If the unit is installed in a different orientation then the roll, pitch and heading offset must be entered. For example, if the unit is installed on its side with the X axis pointing up and the Z axis pointing forwards and no change to the Y axis, then this would result in a pitch offset of +90 degrees with roll and heading remaining zero.

If there is a small misalignment due to mechanical mounting error this can be compensated for by setting the vehicle stationary on a level surface and clicking the Zero Current Orientation button.

Note: Zero Current Orientation will only correct for roll and pitch offsets, the Heading offset must be entered manually and saved after using this function.

External Data Offset

These values are only required for speciality applications operating with an external source of velocity and position data. The offsets are used when providing NMEA Input, External GNSS, or with an Air Data Unit. When using a DVL, use the odometer offset. Please contact for further assistance.

Baud Rates

This page is for setting the baud rates for the GPIO, primary and auxiliary ports. The factory default baud rate value for these ports is 115200 bps.

The primary and auxiliary ports can be set to RS232 or RS422. The factory default is RS232 for both ports.

Boreas Web UI Baud Rates Page


This page allows the user to select the input and output functions of the GPIO and Auxiliary ports. These functions are described in detail in Dynamic Pin Functions. These functions change dynamically and are effective immediately upon clicking Save Changes.

Note: The GPIO port functions at RS232 levels for data functions and 0 to 5 volt (or 0 to 3.3 V) levels for all other functions. The auxiliary port functions at RS232 or RS422 levels for data functions and 0 to 5 volt (or 0 to 3.3 V) levels for all other functions. The internal hardware automatically reconfigures based upon the selected function.

The default values for these settings are Inactive. The dedicated 1PPS signal is active by default.

Boreas Web UI GPIO Configuration Page


The Odometer page allows the user to configure the odometer pulse length and offset. See Odometer and Odometer Pulse Length for more information on the use of odometers. The odometer offset is also applied when using a DVL input.

Boreas Web UI Odometer Configuration Page


The Reset button causes the system to perform a power cycle. No configuration settings or state data are lost.

The Cold Start button clears all filters, and connections are reset and must re-established. No configuration settings are lost.

The Factory Reset button resets all Boreas settings back to their factory defaults, including state data and all configuration settings. It also erases the hot start data so that the system is forced to perform a cold start.

Note: A Factory Reset will re-enable the DHCP Client and lose any static IP address settings.

Boreas Web UI Reset Page

Manual Initialisation

This page can be used to manually initialise Boreas when a GNSS fix is not available. Setting the position will initialise the navigation filter. Setting the heading will also initialise the heading filter.

Boreas Web UI Manual Initialisation Page

Ethernet Settings

The Ethernet Settings page allows you to enable or disable the DHCP Client. When the DHCP Client is disabled you need to enter the TCP/IP settings if you wish to access the web UI.

If you are only connecting to Boreas via the primary port these settings can be ignored.

The default is for the Ethernet mode to be set to DHCP.

Boreas Web UI Ethernet Settings page

NTRIP Client

The NTRIP client built into Boreas can be used to connect to a network DGPS (Differential GPS, a older standard for GNSS corrections of lower performance than RTK) or RTK service to stream correction data to Boreas for DGPS or RTK. The NTRIP client requires that Boreas has an available internet connection to the NTRIP Caster to function.

The source of the corrections data can be either your own base station, configured as an NTRIP Caster, or a third-party service. Either way, you will need the login details for connecting to and authenticating with the NTRIP Caster, and identifying the nearest mountpoint.

These steps are required:

  1. Select Enabled.
  2. For Host/Server, enter the NTRIP Caster address.
  3. For Port, enter the NTRIP Caster port numbe. This is usually 2101.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Get Mountpoints.
  6. Select your mountpoint from the Mountpoint drop down list, being mindful that the distance should not exceed 50km.
  7. Enter your username in the Username box.
  8. Enter your password in the Password box.
  9. Click Save.

To disconnect from the NTRIP Caster unselect Enabled and click Save.

Troubleshooting NTRIP Caster Connections

If you cannot get the list of mountpoints, ensure the Host Address and Port number are correct for your NTRIP Caster.

If the Connection Status is not green, and says UNAUTHORISED this indicates an incorrect username or password.

Contact for further assistance with network DGPS or RTK.

Boreas Web UI NTRIP Client Page

CAN Settings

The CAN Settings page allows you to enable or disable the CAN functionality. If you are only connecting to Boreas via the primary port then these settings can be ignored.

The default for CAN is Enabled at 1,000,000 baud rate. A CANOpen EDS file is bundled with the firmware download.

Boreas Web UI CAN Settings Page


The Advanced page allows you to set the voltage level of the GPIO and 1PPS signals lines along with the packet rates.

The options are 5 V, 3.3 V, or Disabled. The default is 5 V.

Note: The dedicated 1PPS signal is active whenever the voltage is set to 5 V or 3.3 V, and is therefore active by default.

The CANopen output packet rates can be configured as the period between packets in milliseconds within the range of 10 ms to 10,000 ms. The default is 50 ms.

Boreas Web UI Advanced Page